#卒業の日に花を #花を持って街を歩こう





 以上の事柄をきちんと理解し把握した上で、私は卒業式の日に立命館大学へ行きます。この日に卒業生へ向けてガーベラ一輪ブーケを手渡します。この企画にご賛同くださる方々よりご賛同金も募りました。記念写真を撮影し、最後の交流を求めて学内で過ごす卒業生たちに一輪ブーケを渡します。私はこの企画を「 #卒業の日に花を #花を持って街を歩こう 」と名付けます。卒業生だけでなく、この日になるべく多くの人が花を手にする日にしたい。卒業式がなくなっても街では人が花を持って歩いている。「今日は卒業式の日だった」と花を通して表現したい。そんな気持ちです。





イルピアット紙屋川 トニーミズタニヨシオ

#卒業の日に花を #花を持って街を歩こう 

The graduation ceremony of Ritsumeikan University was scheduled for March 21. The graduation ceremony has been canceled due to the spread of the new pneumonia virus. The status of infection since the decision was made has not improved. Rather, I think the decision to stop was appropriate. Many people have refrained from unnecessary and urgent outings. Instead of waiting for strong government demands, we have each consciously taken actions to stop the spread of the infection. I think that my consciousness is working to keep away from the crowded scenes, including me.

At a government meeting on March 14, he pointed out that the risk of infection was high if the three conditions of “poor ventilation,” “crowded people,” and “conversation and speech at short distances” were met. Enlightenment was done. In other words, if the three conditions are not met, the risk of infection will be lower. We believe that it is better not only to overreact and keep people away, but also to have a good understanding of the environment at risk of infection and to spend everyday. He also explained that it was necessary to take measures to prevent fatigue in daily life. I think so, too.

と Considering the risk of infection, everyday life tends to be dark. It is important to be aware of the emergency situation now. We also need to spend some time in our daily lives. I don’t think that tension should be forgotten as there is no new virus drug. At the same time, half of the infected people have healed without becoming serious. Elderly people, those with chronic illness, and those with low immunity have been reported to be at increased risk for seriousness and mortality, but are generally recognized as not necessarily fatal viruses. This should be made more known and hopefully the right understanding will spread.

上 After understanding and understanding the above, I will go to Ritsumeikan University on the day of my graduation ceremony. On this day, we will hand out a gerbera bouquet for graduates. Support money was also raised from those who supported this project. A commemorative photo will be taken and a one-wheel bouquet will be given to graduates spending time on campus for the last exchange. I call this project “#Flowers on Graduation Day # Let’s Walk the City with Flowers”. Not only graduates, but also as many people as possible on this day want to have flowers. Even when the graduation ceremony is over, people are walking with flowers in the city. “Today was the day of the graduation ceremony.” I feel like that.

花 The number of flowers to be prepared with this support money has reached 1,000. This number is five times the original plan. During the preparations, everyone agrees with the support and wishes to manage the situation today. A plan to make flowers brighter in a dark atmosphere. We will carry out the rule that all support money will be replaced with flowers. The money you give us will be transformed into flowers and handed to 1,000 people. I think this is amazing. It cannot be done without your support. thank you very much.

Hana ordered 200 bottles at 5 stores. The prices of flowers are dropping as various events are canceled. The price of flowers is usually high at spring equinox and graduation season. So, this time, I am offering an order at the same price as last year. One is 220 yen (including tax). As many flower orders are canceled, your money will be traded fairly. The flowers go to the graduates’ hands and the hands of people walking around the city, and the florist can work brightly. I’m working to make sure the project goes right.

分 か る As you can see from the fact that it is “in the hands of people walking in the city,” we plan to receive flowers not only for graduates but also in the hands of people who go to the city. We believe that the number of students gathering on campus due to the cancellation of the graduation ceremony will not be so large. In that case, it is better to pass many flowers to people who go through the city. We are also consulting with each other at Kyoto Station, Daimaru Kyoto Store, Fujii Daimaru and Kyoto Takashimaya to see if you can give a single bouquet. If that doesn’t work, we’ll look at ways. That’s why a sight of people walking in the city holding flowers should be hopeful. There is no such city no matter where you look around the world right now.

賛 Your support is growing and moving me. And this was a plan to send flowers to the world with everyone who supported me. It has become exaggerated, but it would be nice if we could deliver the brightness of a person walking with flowers from Kyoto to the world. Acceptance of support is still ongoing. And we are looking for staff to give flowers on the day. Flowers are on campus from noon to 14:00 on March 21. Each place in Kyoto is thinking after 14:30. We only pay attention to responding carefully to the risk of “handing over”, but we will continue to hear from those who understand and agree. To keep the daily life and brightness without gathering many people. I want to do it.

Ilpiat Kamiyagawa Tony Mizutani Yoshio

#Flowers on graduation day # Let’s walk around the city with flowers 持 っ